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Caramelised Onion Jam with Balsamic Vinegar Recipe

Boxing Day dinner is possibly my favourite meal of the festive season and I adore cold meats and pickles and a good cheese board. And it’s not complete without my Caramelised Onion Jam. Sweet sticky with a lovely tang.

This season my onions grew exceptionally well and I have more than enough to last me until next season, so I gave a few to family and friends and decided to use some for this gorgeous recipe.

You will need,

2lb of onions sliced.

2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

¾ cup granulated sugar

¾ cup of Balsamic vinegar

1 teaspoon sea salt

½ teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper

1 tablespoon finely minced thyme.


Put the oil and the sliced onions in a heavy based pan on a medium heat. This recipe does require patience. You need to soften the onions down but don’t be tempted to turn the hob up high because you do not want the onions to brown. So keep an eye on the pan and stir occasionally.

At this stage if you are oven sterilising your jam jars pop them in the oven.

Once the onions are really well cooked and transparent add the sugar and balsamic vinegar. Allow it to steadily cook, stirring every now and then until it thickens and is syrupy.

You can now add the salt pepper and ground thyme. Cook for a couple of minutes and then take off the heat and allow the Jam to cool a little.

Remove your hot jars from the oven and allow to cool slightly. Spoon the jam into the jars and pop the lids on.

I like to can my Jam and this will help to seal and keep longer. It definitely improves with time and will be perfect by Christmas!

Canning is simple, put a tea towel or piece or cloth in the bottom of a saucepan. Stand the jars in and pour boiling water in to cover ½ way up the jars. Set on the hob and bring to a rolling boil. Once your water is at a rolling boil allow it to boil for 15 minutes. Carefully remove the jars with tongs and pop them on a board to cool.

Then it is just a question of if you can wait until Christmas. That is generally the most difficult part of this recipe!

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Meet Sue & Katie

Two women. Two generations. Both mothers and lovers of the county where they live. Blogging about Dorset here at Dorset Country Life. Find out more...

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