How To Prepare Your Home For A New Furry Friend
*This is a collaborative post.
Are you thinking about getting your first pet? This is an exciting time but it’s important that you approach things the right way. In other words, you need to make sure that you preparing for a new pet. This includes changing your home. So, let’s look at some of the key changes that you can make which will guarantee that your home is ready for a new furry friend further down the road.

First, you should make sure that you are investing in the right flooring for a new pet. There are lots of different options when it comes to flooring. However, we recommend wood flooring if you are bringing home any pet. Try as you might a pet will not arrive to your home housetrained. There are going to be at least a few accidents and you might even end up with some muddy paw prints too. With wooden flooring you can simply wipe marks like this away in a matter of seconds or at worst, minutes. That’s not to say your home can’t still looks stylish. For instance, you could invest in some Herringbone flooring for a contemporary, low maintenance design.
Bed Area
Next, consider where your pet is going to sleep. If you are getting a dog, you might be tempted to let them sleep on your bed. There’s nothing wrong with this decision. But you do need to commit to this possibility as it’s going to be very difficult to shake the habit once it’s started. A dog won’t take kindly to being kicked off your bed once its a certain size or age. Where they sleep at first is likely where they’ll stay.
You should also look into accessories before you even purchase your new little friend. Some people like to wait until they have chosen a dog so that they can match the accessories to the personality and we totally get that. However, there are things that you can buy such as leashes, toys, food and water bowls and so on that you just choose based on what you like the look of. So, get these sorted asap.
The final thing that we’re going to be looking at is safety for your dog. You need to ensure that they are not able to escape the home whenever they want, meaning that fences need to be solid, doors need to be locked and so on.
But, it’s not only about ensuring their safety in terms of getting out, you also need to do this in terms of what they can access in the house. For example, chemical and cleaning cupboards should be shut at all times unless you are getting something out so that your dog doesn’t accidentally ingest harsh chemicals.
Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now understand a little more about how you can prepare your home for a furry new friend. As long as you take your time, and you research all the different needs that a new dog has, you should be able to adapt your home accordingly in no time. We wish you the very best of luck with this, and hope that you and your new addition love it!