How to Make Beeswax Food Wraps
I have always loved cooking and crafting and making beeswax food wraps are something that involve both in a sense. When I first came across beeswax food wraps I was delighted because cutting back on the use of plastics in my home is something I have been striving to do for a long time. Beeswax food wraps are unbelievably inexpensive and easy to make, smell amazing and are naturally antibacterial. Not only that, they can be wiped clean and used over and over again!
So what do you need to get started?
A block of beeswax; If you can find a local supplier that is wonderful, but if not you can buy blocks online or in a pellet form

100% Cotton fabric; I personally like to use fabric I have at home, like an old shirt (washed of course) or a fat quarter left over from quilt making. The fabric can be any size and it is actually useful to make a variety of sizes to keep to hand.
A sheet of Parchment paper
A Flat baking sheet
A pastry brush
And of course a warm oven!
Switch on the oven at a low temperature, it only needs to be warm enough to melt the wax and you don’t want it to burn.
Prepare your clean fabric by cutting it to the size and shape required.
If your beeswax is in a block, just grate it with an ordinary cheese grater and put it to one side.
Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Place your fabric on to the parchment, and sprinkle beeswax over one half. I use approx 10 g for a medium size wrap.
Fold the fabric half without wax over the top of the fabric with wax to sandwich the wax in the middle and pop it into the oven.
Once the beeswax has melted remove the tray from the oven and using a pastry brush, brush over the fabric easing the melted wax around to ensure the fabric is evenly coated , paying particular attention to the edges.
Once you are satisfied that the fabric is evenly covered, unfold it and leave it in the parchment to cool. This doesn’t take very long at all.
The wraps can then be folded away until needed. They also make wonderful gifts!
They allow food to breath and can be used to cover bowls or wrap food like cheese or even fruit veg, bread and baked goods as well as a cover for dough while it’s rising. They can also be used to wrap a bunch of flowers or even to line the shelves in your fridge! The wraps will mould to any shape, so are great for wrapping awkward shaped foods or bowls, jars, bottles etc.

And with some of the beautifully designed fabrics available the wraps can make a child’s packed lunch for school fun. The wraps can be folded in pouches to fill with healthy goodies. Less plastic, less waste, more fun!
