Making a Christmas Wreath

I have so many little traditions around Christmas time that I like to do. One of my favourite things to do is walk the dogs and collect greenery and make a wreath for the door.
I like to forage for fir cones and if they are shut tight I pop them on the radiator and they open within a couple of days. I like to collect the very traditional holly and ivy in berry. Some years there are no holly berries in sight, so I use fake berry’s but this year they are in abundance on the holly bushes.
If I can get my hands on some conifer branches that's great and try to find different colours and textures too. Then maybe twigs, any evergreen will do really.
So once you have your greenery what else do you need?

Well a frame, you can buy metal ones or twig ones and even some made of straw and they are very inexpensive. You need florist wire , wire cutters and secateurs. Maybe some ribbon and garden string to hang your wreath.
I always start by sorting my greenery into piles. Then I make bunches. So perhaps some conifer with some ivy on the top and then holly on top of that. With a small length of wire I bind the greenery into bunches.

Once all my bunches are made, I offer the first bunch to the frame and secure with the wire . Then the second and third and so on, overlapping as I go. It really is that simple! Slip the last bunch in and secure to the frame. If you want to add fir cones you can by either wiring them, this just involves winding wire around the bottom part and then attach to the frame. If you have a glue gun you could also use this and add baubles, cinnamon sticks or anything else. Pop a bow on, I use ribbon with wire edges so it keeps a good shape. Then attach some garden string to hang it.
Wreaths are expensive to buy but you can make your own for under a fiver and it's really good festive fun. A really lovely activity to do with family or friends in the build up to Christmas while listening to Christmas music, drinking hot chocolate or even a glass of fizz!
What Christmas traditions do you have?
